
War Diary – Homefront
- Mickey Katzburg / JEWISH JOURNAL
- December 7, 2023
For over a month now, I've wanted to share my experiences with you.

The President of World Jewry
- Mickey Katzburg /
- June 6, 2021
During the seven years of his presidency, Ruby Rivlin has been respected and loved for his warmth and accessibility, connecting with the people of Israel on many important issues. Among his very popul
In wake of coronavirus, Jews must learn to adapt and change
- Mickey Katzburg / Jerusalem Post
- June 13, 2021
Just as the mice in 'Who moved my cheese,' managed to find their way through the maze even under challenging circumstances, so too we have gained an awareness that can guide us through life.

הקשר בין חינוך בתפוצות לשיקום שכונות
- מיקי קצבורג / מקור ראשון
- March 25, 2021
זכיתי לגור בשכונת קריית מנחם, שכונה בדרום מערב ירושלים, שאפילו לא מעט ירושלמים לא מכירים. בעבר היא אפילו זכתה לכינוי המפוקפק "החצר האחורית של ירושלים".

Changing the focus: embracing a new approach to Hebrew language education
- Mickey Katzburg / EJP
- April 16, 2021
One of the many lessons that we have all learned from our global ‘experiment’ with online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic is that technological tools are not the key to real success in education

Jewish Education & the Urban Kibbutz Model
- Mickey Katzburg / JNS
- April 8, 2021
The revitalization of a run-down Jerusalem neighborhood is a lesson in how to support Jewish schools around the world.

A Global Center for Jewish Education
- Mickey Katzburg / EJP
- November 11, 2020
As we enter the winter of a school year characterized by uncertainty, the time is ripe to reimagine the structure of Jewish education in light of urgent challenges. Having worked with teachers at hund

The World Center for Jewish Education Empowers Educators With Tailored Solutions
- The Yeshiva World
- January 12, 2021
The need for personalized solutions in the Jewish education system was been felt long before the pandemic started, but now, in light of the disruption caused by COVID-19, there is an opportunity to di

Israeli parents get a crash course in homeschooling
- March 22, 2020
After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shut down the country’s schools and universities until at least after Passover, Israeli parents, like their counterparts in other countries shut down by

Jewish Virtual Education in the Time of Coronavirus
- Kylie Ora Lobell / Jewish Journal
- March 24, 2020
With schools shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic, parents are turning to online resources to educate their children from home. In an effort to ensure ongoing Jewish education, one of those resou

- The Center for Jewish Education of Ukraine
- June 8, 2020
On June 8, 2020, the International online meeting for pedagogues of the educational institutions of Ukraine with teaching the disciplines of Jewish Studies took place on the ZOOM platform. The organi

To ensure the future of Jewish education, put teachers in the center
- July 29, 2020
It is crucial that we rapidly equip Jewish educators with the tools and skills needed to thrive in this new reality. If not, we risk losing a generation of Jewish students.

Following UAE-Israel deal, new ulpan launched to teach Hebrew in the Gulf
- AARON REICH / Jerusalem Post
- AUGUST 20, 2020
Coming off the heels of the announced peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, a new groundbreaking initiative has been launched to bring virtual ulpan programs to teach Hebrew to Arabi

How to Revolutionize Jewish Schools
- Mickey Katzburg / Jewish Journal
- December 21, 2020
For decades, Jewish communities, institutions and individuals have failed to fix the elephant in the room — the quality of Jewish education. Although many Jewish day schools boast excellent secular st