When you purchase a Lulav/Etrog set from Beth Jacob, you will be supporting the Gaza Periphery farmers. The Chessed Etrog Project funds go to the farmers and towards reducing the stress levels of those affected by the ongoing war in Israel.

Deadline to place orders is Friday, October 11, 2024

4 Minim set Beth Jacob

For a bulk order please click here>>>

Coupons (if available) can be added in the cart




For a bulk order please click here>>>

Coupons (if available) can be added in the cart


4 Minim – Lulav and Etrog Additional Items (BJ)

For a bulk order please click here>>>

Coupons (if available) can be added in the cart




For a bulk order please click here>>>

Coupons (if available) can be added in the cart


Additional information

Additional Aravot

Additional Aravot $3.00


“Drive By” Arba Minim pickup is from Jacob’s garden
at Beth Jacob:

9030 West Olympic Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Monday, October 14th
3:30 pm – 7:00 pm