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NGO Registration

100% of profits go to charity

Your organization will receive 25% of the proceeds from every Etrog sale made through a designated link.
Check out Yavneh Hebrew Academy’s page that is already benefiting from the agreement

The rest of the profit will go to The World Center for Jewish Education (WCJE), a registered organization in Israel that supports Jewish education abroad.
The WCJE trains teachers, supports educational faculties, and designs and adapts educational programs per request.

How does it work?

The WCJE has reached an agreement* with ICC (Israel Connection M.S.) which has been marketing etrogim in the U.S. for the past 30 years.
Once you sign up for the program, you will receive a link to a designated page which you can send to your contacts. You will receive 25% of the proceeds from orders placed through that link.
ICC will take care of all the logistics required to handle the orders.

*Attorney drafted and approved agreement

To get started, fill out the form below:

The deadline for placing orders is

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Free delivery with a minimum of 20 sets or free pickup at central locations with no minimum required (Click here for the list ).

